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Getting Honest with Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is GLAMOUR's July cover star: ‘I approached business the way I approached Hollywood. I just did it’. Here, she gets honest with GLAMOUR's Emily Maddick about mental health, marriage, motherhood, and making the transition from Hollywood actor to beauty entrepreneur and founder of The Honest Company…

Released on 07/22/2022


Hi, I'm Jessica Alba.

And this is me getting honest with Glamor UK.

[upbeat music]

I grew up in a Mexican

American family

and they really feel like girl's hair should be long.

So when I started acting, I actually got a haircut

from Chris McMillan who did the Rachel cut from Friends.

And I think it was actually my first official haircut

that my mom didn't give me.

And my hair was down to my butt.

And when I came home with the Rachel cut,

it was like these like really extreme layers.

My dad tried to ground me.

[laughs] It was so crazy.

I just kind of feel like hair,

you should just have fun with it.

And it grows, so...

[upbeat music]

Yes, I believe that I have identified as a feminist

since I could remember identifying as anything.

I do believe that women should be equal to men.

And so does my dad.

There you go, my dad's a feminist too.

[upbeat music]

True story.

He did. [laughs]

[upbeat music]

That is the truth.

I have been in so many makeup chairs

since I was 12 years old

and I cannot even tell you

the countless amount of eczema rashes,

and random acne and things that would just happen to my face

because of all of the products.

I mean, I would have sneezing fits.

My eyes would swell.

I got, I would get giant welts underneath my eyes.

It makes the closeups actually impossible.

So yeah, I created Honest Beauty

because I was sick of having those types of reactions.

True story.

[upbeat music]

Yeah, isn't that weird?

I'm still surprised.


It was called The Honest Life

or it is called The Honest Life.

Yeah, there you go.

[upbeat music]

I think the UK and Europe has a great standard.

And at the time there were only like 11 chemicals

banned in the United States

and over a thousand banned in Europe and UK.

And I just wanted us in our country

to at least meet that standard, so.

[upbeat music]

I know the sun is not good for the skin.

I know,

but I just love it.

I just love being out in nature.

I love taking hikes.

I love all the beaches.

Like I really haven't met too many beaches that I don't like

as long as there's a warm sun involved.

[upbeat music]

I definitely grew up in a household where we recycled,



There was really very little waste

and my grandmother would MacGyver everything.

Everything had like five purposes,

let me tell you.

Starring: Jessica Alba